Upland 2022 Week 28 - 37
It's been far too long since the last update—lots has happened! Here are (a few of) the highlights from the past couple months...
We've been working hard to balance building out our space with the number of projects going on. It's been tough but fun, especially given the vacation-riddled summer schedules.
Constant cleaning, sorting, organizing, while dreaming, designing, building.

We added a large glass garage door looking into the shop. It's so cool.

We've also started building out our offices. Here's Anthony checking out the skeleton of his design.

And of course we kept pushing to keep projects moving. There are too many to point them all out, but we wrapped up a small exterior sign project that Graham designed. The contrast of textures looks really awesome and I can't wait to see it with the landscaping finished.

Anthony designed a really cool Mars Rover interactive element that we'll start building soon.

We also shipped out a number of product orders. A few standard items, but many had custom elements to them, including graphic design.
I've enjoyed seeing the Upland boxes bask in the sunlight amidst the plants as I head out for lunch (and then really like it when they're gone by the time I return!).

Best of all, we got the InfoZone project wrapped up and installed slightly ahead of schedule!
I haven't seen it in person yet but the pictures look amazing.
The team did such a great job—it's definitely another project we're all proud of. And one we'll share more about after the public opening.

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"I thoroughly enjoy getting the emails that, in a short, succinct way, clearly give an overview of the projects you are working on.
I like how you enjoy the highs of the job and let us know about the lows, which everyone has, so it's relatable.
I know it must take time to do this weekly digest, but it's one of the highlights of my day when I get to read it. Thank you and carry on!"
- Wendee