FHD 2022 Week 5 - 7
Always feels a bit slow immediately following a big installation. But we made steady progress nonetheless. Here are the highlights…
We’ve got some major (exciting!) changes coming soon, so we took a bit of time to sort through old Upland product inventory.
Jocelyn’s going to be offering a number of older products and prototypes for sale at a discounted rate in the next month or so to help free up some space.

We also sorted components from older models of products that just need to be repurposed at this point. Here Jon is converting stacks of Chase Crate lids that don’t fit the current model into stacks of shop carts!

Graham and Anthony kept pushing hard on the news exhibit design.

And we started building the prototype of the newsprint sculpture.
The graphics on it are going to look so cool–I think the concept will really resonate with visitors:

The sculpture itself will be an interesting blend of materials.
From beautiful solid maple…

and stainless tubing…

To paint-washed pine…

and (soon to be) powder-coated steel…

In fact, pretty much everything coming out of the shop this week featured a unique combination of textures and colors.
Fabric banners and printed ACM graphics on this Chase Crate (designed by the company placing the order–it looks outstanding!):



Anodized aluminum…

Solid birch…

And of course both painted and stained baltic birch. This picture shows how the new nameplates will be embedded in products going forward. They look sharp.

Speaking of sharp, Isaac found one of the gnarliest bits I’ve ever seen and put it to use cutting french cleats into some case backs. Glad we’re not trying to run this one with a hand router!

Graham also designed some awesome outdoor signage with cedar and high-pressure laminate graphics, but I’ll have to share photos of those materials after we get the sign built.

We're on Instagram!
One last note: Jocelyn created an Upland Exhibits Instagram account a few days ago. So if you enjoy this weekly digest, I’d suggest you give it a follow. Jocelyn has a great sense of humor and I’m sure it will come through on the posts as she gets going!

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"I thoroughly enjoy getting the emails that, in a short, succinct way, clearly give an overview of the projects you are working on.
I like how you enjoy the highs of the job and let us know about the lows, which everyone has, so it's relatable.
I know it must take time to do this weekly digest, but it's one of the highlights of my day when I get to read it. Thank you and carry on!"
- Wendee