Upland 2022 Year in Review
New format for the Upland Journal - a short video!
I asked the team for a list of highlights from 2022. Here are their top 5!
(and here's a video version if you'd prefer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5lAaPo7R2g)
1. New Building
Not much to say here. It's a cool space, and we're making it even cooler!

2. Moon to Mars Rover
Just an awesome little project. Designed and fabricated for the Omaha Children's Museum.

3. Lincoln Cases
A big order of twenty-five custom showcases for the Lincoln Memorial Museum. I honestly forgot about this one, but it was certainly a big undertaking and created an interesting new product line.

I wish I would have joined the install crew—sounds like they had an awesome time out in Tennessee!

4. InfoZone Museum
Cool project out in Colorado. Good design, good fabrication, good project management. Clearly deserving to be in the top 5!

5. Web “2023” Infrastructure / Mennonite.net
At the end of 2021 we acquired Mennonite.net, a web hosting service located in Indiana. Incorporating all their clients really taxed our existing systems, forcing us to rethink a big portion of the business as we built new capacity for 2023. This behind-the-scenes restructuring was a big—luckily unnoticed—investment in the business and somehow managed to make the list of memorable improvements for the team.
Year in Review Video
I did a slightly different approach to reviewing the year, and put it into video format on YouTube. Check it out!
Finally, thanks for all the feedback and responses to my emails in 2022. Clearly some people enjoy the little videos I've made, but more told me they appreciated the emails with bits of text and photos showing more regular progress. Given that feedback, and the fact that the videos aren't delivered very reliably, I'll likely keep messing with the format.
So please continue to send any and all comments my way. We'll have lots to share in 2023, and I can't wait for you to see what we've got ahead of us. It's gonna be a great year!
Get these updates weekly via email!
- Journal
- - explore past weeks -
- 2023
- Week 23 - 35
- Week 11 - 22
- Week 1 - 10
- 2022
- Year in Review
- Week 43 - 49
- Week 38 - 42
- Week 28 - 37
- Week 17 - 27
- --- Flint Hills Design ---
- Week 12 - 16
- Week 8 - 11
- Week 5 - 7
- Week 3 - 4
- Week 1 - 2
- 2021
- Week 49 - 52
- Week 47 - 48
- Week 45 - 46
- Week 44
- Week 42 - 43
- Week 41
- Week 40
- Week 39
- Week 38
- Week 37
- Week 36
- Week 35
- Week 34
- Week 33
- Week 32
- Week 31
"I thoroughly enjoy getting the emails that, in a short, succinct way, clearly give an overview of the projects you are working on.
I like how you enjoy the highs of the job and let us know about the lows, which everyone has, so it's relatable.
I know it must take time to do this weekly digest, but it's one of the highlights of my day when I get to read it. Thank you and carry on!"
- Wendee